Saturday, April 11, 2009

i got summoned!

ha ha ha...luv the title :)

was having bf with my sugar :) @ devi's and tetiba not really tetiba lah..saw penguatkuasa DBKL making their round to bagi saman for those illegal parkers and that termasuk me lah..he he he..

wanted to move my gen2 but come to think again malas lah i just ignore lah..lagipun tak pernah lagi dapat saman dari DBKL..he he he..

monday nanti aku bayaq lah..

ok lah..

nak sambung buat business report he he report tau..bukan sebarang report..

take care and njoy ur weekend luvly people

bye from manggisboy


Anonymous said...

jangan lupa bayaq na...

adie-ishmael said...

penguatkuasa tu dibayar gaji untuk saman orang yg buat salah macam jgn marah dia ek...hehehe

M.A.N.G.G.I.S.B.O.Y said...

Anonymous - bayaq lah nanti ...mahal tau cek punya bf hari kena campuq sama saman lah...rendam dalam ayaq panaih minum :)

Adie - tak marah lah adie sama penguatkuasa tu....kalau dia minta duit kat amar baru amar marah :)

Anonymous said...

Encik Manggisboy....firstly yg tulis kat atas sama nun not my comment ja sunshine....

I know tat was the most expensive puri tat i had for bf...tak per, tell me bila you nak bayar saman tu. I will pay it...its my fault....not yours...

Enjoyed our Saturday outings very your choice of baju melayu.....very the vogue, the vass and the vuss....hahahaha!

Luv, Sugar.........


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