Wednesday, July 29, 2009

one saturday...2nd part...

ok..where we we...ermmm...ok...back to kereta yang dah siap...i took my sweet time...masih lagi mengemas rumah and what not and later on menapak to the workshop...berpeluh jugak..mana tidaknya...its 1 pm...had all things done...normal survey for 150km with fully synthetic oil..had my timing belt done...dan jumlah keseluruhannya..RM740.00...bayaq ajerlah..for my safety and who ever ride the car :)

had to zoom to my mum haus as ada date with my mum to go to car4 ampang...biasalah monthly event for grocery shopping...its a gut therapy for me...who says the economy is not gut? i saw people queing up and shopping like there's no tomorrow :)

5pm camtu settle lah shopping bersama my mum...then i got visitor coming to my flat...
kak liza and her sister datang and lepaking @ my flat sampai malam then we had dinner @ my usual kedai makan...i just luvvvvv the meehoon singapura here and the sayur cendawan also nice...

here are pictures of kak liza and her sister aka nini...

ok luvly people..thats all about one saturday...a very hectic but exciting one...

njoy your good and happy always...i guess we should not think much about our problems and whatnot..coz it only make you feel miserable..renung renungkan dan selamat beramal...

i need to change my layout of this blog..the guitar does'nt represent my feelings now he he he..

luv you happy people and be gut ja


manggisboy is signing off

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