Tuesday, May 5, 2009

me and the real FLOAT :) @ last...

well @ last the craving for float..the REAL float that is finally over..zoom in str8 from office with sugar...to pj A&W for lunch..we missed the way..tak tau plak dah tak leh enter the road..but to cut the agony of telling u yang kitorang pusing balik and reach the same place..he he he...FINALLY..i got my FLOAT ha ha ha..suka ...

me and the float he he he..

and here's what we ate there...

ok lah..im outta here...kekenyangan..and craving fullfilled :)

take care luvly people.



a-as said...

nak jugak!!!

Anonymous said...

Sunshine, m glad your craving is over...takut you kempunan sebenarnya...was worried since Sunday when you started the craving...bolih tahan pulak tu sampai hari nih...ye la semalam kan posa....anyway, I thank Allah, nothing bad happen to you...syukur....kelakar bila ingat balik the incident kita berpusing kat tempat yang sama..konon sugar nak tunjuk pandai...last2 timbul kat the same spot....pastu dah tak peduli....no entry pun no entry la....redah jer....hehehe.....at last....double float + french fries + satay hot dog....ambik engkau....puas hati...bila dah kekenyangan, terhidu pulak waffle...OMG!!!!!! mengucap tuan2 dan puan2....hehehehe.....apa2 pun its kindda satisfaction seeing my sunshine having his float...kesian ada...geli hati pun ada....hmmmm....my best fren....macam2.....he is my sunshine!!!!

M.A.N.G.G.I.S.B.O.Y said...

As - jom..nanti kita carik time yang best kita g rombongan kat A&W kat Pj tu

Anonymous - Thanks..tapi memang lah ni'mat masa tu..dapat apa yang we wanted to have kan....he he he..next will be waffle :)

adie-ishmael said...

jeles tengok amar makan banyak tapi tetap menten slim...

Anonymous said...

Macamana dia nak gemuk Adie, makan hati berulam jantung, bilas pulak dengan hempedu...mau tak merana.....

sori sunshine....just kidding..


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